This web site displays a number of projects related to vehicle performance and data analysis. The projects share a common theme in that Android mobile phones have been used in most cases to function as data loggers. These data loggers can send their data over long distances from remote sites for processing.
VTA Program
This is an analysis program to allow recorded data to be viewed and interpreted. It can accept data from several sources.
Road Condition Monitor
This is a system created to monitor the road condition on mine sites by using the haul trucks passing over the roads to perform the analysis.
Container Operations
This presents a test system developed to monitor the operation of container vehicles at a Container Terminal.
Steering Robot
This is a system to steer a test vehicle under automated control. It was built to provide consistent steering performance for vehicle stability testing.
Yacht Logger
This is a system still under development to track Yachts in near real time. It is intended to extend this to general vehicle tracking.